Die teils chaotischen Camera-Obscura-Geisterkämpfe sind dank Wii-U-Gamepad immersiv wie nie – gruseln aber so gar nicht. So teilen sich für mehr Kurzweil drei Figuren den zermürbenden Plot um Massenselbstmord und okkulte Rituale, eine Map auf dem Touchscreen weist den rechten Weg, während Checkpoints das Vorankommen im umfangreichen Horrorspiel erleichtern. Diesem Problem nimmt sich Tecmo Koei nun mit Project Zero – Priesterin des schwarzen Wassers Wii-U-exklusiv an: Das ist zwar in Setting und Thematik immer noch klassisch, schraubt aber für mehr Zugänglichkeit an den sperrigen Gameplay-Mechanismen des Survival-Horror-Genres. Geister, Schreine, ostasiatische Folklore: Die Project Zero-Reihe war schon immer derart japanisch, dass der Erfolg im Westen trotz Geister, Schreine, ostasiatische Folklore: Die Project Zero-Reihe war schon immer derart japanisch, dass der Erfolg im Westen trotz unbestreitbarer Gruselqualitäten ausblieb. This is my first time playing a game from this series, it hopefully won't be the last. It's a shame that all the talk has been about the costumes and the lack of a physical release (which is crazy) but I live in Australia and if anyone can get the limited edition with the art book and extras it was well worth it and adds to the overall experience. The game pad is used beautifully, this game could only be on Wii U. The graphics are some of the best on Wii U and lighting and shadows are used to perfection. Some surreal scenes are in the game that I won't spoil for you but the forest of hanging people and the stage with the CCTV get a special mention.

When I say dark I mean it, suicide and murder are detailed and shown in graphic detail but where the game really gets under your skin is when the protagonists start to succumb to those instincts themselves. Rather than jump scares that you may find in games like Until Dawn (PS4) Fatal Frame instead chooses to focus on very dark themes and fills you with a feeling of dread throughout. Thankfully my concerns were unfounded, there is a good game underneath all the tension and the upgrades and different equipment gave the game much needed depth. Initially I was concerned about the lack of actual game play in the early levels - it felt like an interactive movie of sorts where atmosphere is everything.

Initially I was concerned about the lack of actual game play in the early levels - I have just completed the game and was seriously impressed. I have just completed the game and was seriously impressed.